The Importance of Using Client Consultation Forms

Throughout the beauty and cosmetic nursing industries, consultation forms and client consent are part of a standard legal operating procedure.

There are many beauty and cosmetic nurse professionals who overlook the importance of having their clients complete consultation and consent forms. In most cases, their clients have no known allergies or health issues, or they are a regular client that they have known for a long time so the consultation process becomes relaxed and overlooked.

However, an unfortunate event could occur at any time, and your client may report a problem. And as we know, it’s Murphy’s Law that on the day you skip doing your clients’ consultation and consent forms, is the day that an unfortunate rare occasion occurs.

Why do we need to complete consultations with clients?


A thorough consultation with your client provides the opportunity to discuss the treatment in detail to make sure that it is suitable for the client and can achieve their desired results. Have your client complete a detailed consultation form, which will show if they have any allergies or if there are any contraindications that could prevent you from performing a specific treatment. These forms are also a requirement for your insurance.



Some treatments that you perform may require you to obtain consent from your client before you commence treatment. Getting your client’s consent to perform these specific treatments should be a top priority. It is part of an ethical responsibility that should never be overlooked at any cost.

From the client’s side, they are agreeing that they understand what treatment they are having, that they are giving full permission for you to perform the treatment, and acknowledge that they are aware of the plausible adverse reactions. Parental consent may also be required if the client is under 18. Additionally, it’s important that you familiarise yourself with the Medical Board of Australia’s guidelines.


For the beauty therapist or nurse, legible consent will reduce the risk of litigation. It can also serve as legal evidence if a claim is made against them for medical malpractice.

What’s included in a consent form?

The consent document must have complete information about the cosmetic procedure, full disclosure of potential risks and complications, possible side effects that may be experienced after, and relatable financial requirements.

Collecting and Securely Storing Personal Information

Depending on what services you offer, you may need to discuss and collect your client’s personal medical and treatment history information.

This information is often sensitive, and it is your responsibility to store it securely.  Storing clients’ records in an electronic format is best, with the appropriate securities including Cyber Insurance.

The Client Consultation Process – What You Need to Be Doing

By implementing a strict and standardised consultation process, you are ensuring that all the required discussions and consent are obtained before the treatment begins and are protecting your business against legal liabilities.

Get in Touch

To find out what insurance cover you need for your business, get in touch with Sparrow Insurance for expert advice or to request a quote. Call today on (07) 5502 8326 or visit or get an instant quote online here.